Are You Ready for the Next Wave?

Cyber criminals, sophisticated hackers, malicious insiders, BYOD, botnets, regulatory compliance... Information security concerns can feel like a tsunami.

Be ready... Iron Shields can help!

Emergency Response

  • Recently hacked?
  • Intruders in your network?
  • Victim of a zero-day exploit?

Every minute counts... Read about our emergency services or simply contact us right now.


  • Are you struggling to deliver legal, regulatory, or B2B privacy and security compliance?

Let Iron Shields help your company meet requirements while easing the impact to daily operations.

About Iron Shields

Iron Shields is a full-scope network security and open-source intelligence company. We provide consulting, research, engineering, and analysis, typically for Fortune 500 enterprises, government agencies, and even non-profit organizations. Our portfolio of projects is diverse and demonstrates some of our extensive capabilities.

Some of our recent clients include the University of Massachusetts Medical College, Systegra Consulting, Optic Verve, 21st Century Offices, and Critical Defence.

Solving Unique Issues

Criminal exploit methods, network reconnaissance, technical architecture, social media, mobile devices, and intellectual property concerns change faster than the technology associated with protecting your important assets. Maintaining effective operational security requires exotic technical skills of an unprecedented level of sophistication and complexity. The time and specialized knowledge required to combat today's security concerns is rarely afforded to technology staff engaged in the rigors of everyday systems management.

Meeting the challenges of information security can be daunting when your business operations and service delivery are on the line. We understand. It's unpredictable and complex. You need a partner, a guardian, who can help with your information security needs, even if they're unprecedented, so you can focus on business success.

That's Iron Shields!

Security Audits

  • Business Impact Assessment
  • Risk Management
  • Vulnerability Assessments
  • Penetration Tests

Understanding your security profile is crucial to determining budget and infrastructure needs, without overkill. For in-depth analysis and superb service... choose Iron Shields!

Secure Architecture

Preventative, defensive, and even offensive controls can save substantial money, time, and frustration. The sooner you implement a hardened, defense-in-depth infrastructure, the sooner you'll be sailing calm waters. Iron Shields has the knowledge and advice you need.

Application Engineering

  • Optimize User Experience
  • Properly Provision Resources
  • Prepare for Vendor Assessments
  • Confidently Assure Your Clients of Security & Privacy

Before you build your next application, seek advice from the application security experts at Iron Shields.

When Conventional Methods Fail

When you're facing new or unusual threats or requirements, when you can't afford downtime, when conventional methods fail, you can rely on Iron Shields to provide the solutions.

We generate innovative and novel solutions to problems that others may view as unsolvable, or may ignore altogether. Utilizing unpublished, original implementation engineering and application of rigorous effective project management, event monitoring, and anti-botnet incident response, Iron Shields rises to the challenge where others fall short.

Dedicated Focus

Iron Shields focuses solely on delivering exceptional information security methodologies. Our wealth of experience and highly trained specialists make Iron Shields your best defense.

We provide consulting and operational security, emphasizing precision engineering and cutting-edge incident response methods. We specialize in service to high volume networks, performance technologies, and sensitive equipment for which downtime is simply unacceptable.

Our History

Inspired by our work with early Pentagon websites, we built Iron Shields from the ground up. We realized that civilian agencies and private companies, as well as non-profit organizations, deserved the same level of security available to the FBI, military, and federal intelligence agencies.

Founded in 1998, Iron Shields is now the East Coast's leading provider of risk management, vulnerability assessment, and incident response services and consulting, winning several awards for service excellence.

Read more about our history and company values here.